Tuesday, July 16, 2019

It's been too long part two

So.  We were talking about me.  OK, OK, I was, am talking about me.  And right now the next pic is perfect to tell you guys where I am at in my life

Not because I am stressed.
Not because I am running against the clock
but because I feel as if I am missing out on a lot of joy I used to have and which is not lost or misplaced but kinda hipbutted to the side to make space for other joyful things. 
It is not as if I want to go back to my roots.  I want to make space for all the joy everything gives me.  So.  While every body else is Marie Kondo'ing their homes.  I am doing the same but inside my head.  I am making place for some extra spark of joy. 

Anything you need to hit pause on/

Wednesday, July 03, 2019

It has been too long.

Yes the pic above says all their is too say about this.


I might have a few things I need to get off of my chest as well.  So for now, I will be telling you what has happened in my life to make me ..... well get a life I guess is the best way to describe it.

When Facebook really hit everything, I joined.  And had NO friends, for months.  I played a game, and at that stage was still rather active on the James Patterson Blog site where, as it happens I met some amazing people.  Denise Jones, Christine Bonner and so many others that still to this day brighten my day and add that little va va voom to my step.  So as the Patterson site started to give problems I convinced more and more of my friends to join Facebook, only to hear that they were (some at least) were on Facebook already. 

Why now, I figured I would have some friends....
And I did. 
Soon I saw these post fly by.  Free....today only..... the first book in XYZ trilogy on Amazon and I recall still replying on those posts asking if it would be alright if I shared those free books... yeah I know.  It luckily did not take me long to figure out that me sharing it etc etc etc was doing the authors a world of good.  But the why behind it all I did not get. 

So there I was.  All these free books, all these reading friends and my game on Facebook.  Could life get any better? Maybe, maybe not.  But for a long time I was as happy as a clam working, signing onto Facebook, going home, watching television, back then the idea of BINGING was not even born since even the DVD rental shops held at most the first two DVD's in a series.... if that.  Then I would go onto Facebook and basically serve for hours with no intent and no discontent.  At that stage of my life that was what I needed.  And thank goodness I had it. 

Then... well, you will have to wait a bit cause this is a rather long story and I will bore you to tears if I dropped it all on you in one go.  And no my friend.  You do not deserve to be bored.  Ever.