Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Book Review of Pieces Of Mel (Pieces Of Mel Poetry Collection Book 1) by Melina Turner

Book Title: Pieces Of Mel (Pieces Of Mel Poetry Collection Book 1)
Genre: Poetry
Pages: 213
Author: Melina Turner
Date Published: 29 December 2014

The darkness...The light...The happiness and sadness...Where would we be without such raw emotional being?

Open the pages of international award-winning poet's "Pieces Of Mel" and step into many of the portrayals, opinions, hopes, and beliefs the author expresses so deeply.
From the raw emotions to the miniature poetic stories you will find the proof of the authors passion and soul.


Pieces of Mel: Poetry Collection (Pieces Of Mel Poetry Collection Series, #1)Pieces of Mel: Poetry Collection by Melina Turner
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author in return for an honest review.

This is a collection of poetry written from the heart of the author.

I find reading poetry to be a very difficult and subjective experience, which is why I very rarely pick up poetry books. This is one genre I struggle to read and relate to. However, I decided to give this book a try.

I started to read the poems and found myself quickly becoming depressed by how they made me feel. I understand that poetry is a tool to express one's thoughts and emotions, but when a poet/author is projecting their darker emotions on a reader who is neither severely depressed or had experience with those darker emotions, it sucks all the enjoyment out of the experience (or so I have found). Granted, the author accurately expressed her emotions into her written words, which was the whole reason for them to be placed into a book in the first place. There are some poems that are not so dark which I liked. One of them was The Old Scottish Bagpipe Player and another was The Moon Dancer. All of the poetry contained in this volume is very descriptive, and the scenes conjured by the author's words are quite vivid in the mind's eye.

I am relatively a happy person most of the time and very rarely suffer with severe depression. This makes it extremely difficult for me to relate to the author and, although I sympathize with her emotionally with regards to the issues she has faced in the past, or is facing now, I cannot empathize. Perhaps if I had felt some of the emotions expressed by the author at one time or another, I could relate better to her words. Just like a sad song will resonate with people who have a broken heart, poetry can do the same for people dealing with emotional issues, but only if a person is feeling, or has felt, the same emotions as the author. Unfortunately, the poetry, although well executed, did nothing for me except to make me feel sad and depressed.

Melina Turner is a talented poetess and writer. Although this book of poetry is not for me, I am looking forward to reading her short story collections in the not too distant future.

I am sorry to say that poetry, especially when it is from the source of a tortured soul suffering with deep depression and loneliness, is not my cup of tea. However, that doesn't mean that other people will not enjoy or relate to this poetry. Therefore, I recommend this book if you love deeply emotive poetry. - Lynn Worton

View all my reviews


Sunday, December 28, 2014

Book Review of God is in the Little Things: Messages from the Golden Angels by Patricia Brooks

Book Title: God Is In The Little Things: Messages from the Golden Angels
Genre: Memoir/Spirituality/Religion
Pages: 138
Author: Patricia Brooks
Date Published: September 2014


God is in the Little Things: Messages from the Golden Angels is a riveting true story which reveals Patricia's struggle to reclaim her connection to her Higher Self and discover the meaning of her life. Travel with Patricia through her past lives from ancient Rome to the cobblestoned streets of colonial Boston. Cry with Patricia as she shares the intimate details of her struggles and how she learns to heal her broken heart. Spiritual revelations unfold before your eyes as Patricia discovers the true meaning of life and begins living her new life with clarity and purpose. Watch as Patricia moves from wounded and weak to a powerful and empowered spiritual being.


God is in the Little Things Messages from the Golden AngelsGod is in the Little Things Messages from the Golden Angels by Patricia Brooks
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A friend of mine recommended this book to me, but I was a little bit skeptical about it, as it is not my usual choice of genre. However, I decided to give this book a try. I am glad I did, because I really enjoyed it. I was riveted from the first page.

I do not see myself as an especially religious person, but I try to keep an open mind about all religions. I have come to the realisation that I am more of a spiritual believer than I had previously thought. Reading this book has opened my eyes to this. I am not a huge fan of memoirs or even books about religion and spirituality, but this book somehow spoke to my inner being.

This book is one woman's journey to find spiritual enlightenment to God using various methods such as prayer, meditation, past life regression and mixtures of East and West religious practices. Her journey is truly inspirational.

In a way, her journey has made me realise that things do happen for a reason. I was faced with a life altering decision earlier this year to leave my full time job and pursue my dream of working for myself as an editor and proofreader. I kept having a prodding feeling towards this and, once I finally did put in my notice, the total feeling of rightness that flooded me was freeing. I don't know if this was God's (or the angels') way of saying "go for it", or if the universe was doing the same. However, having read this book, I have come to the conclusion that perhaps there is a higher power (call it whatever you will, depending on your religious belief (or lack thereof)) watching us all, directing people who are willing to listen towards the paths they should be on. I am not sure if I believe in fate or destiny, but I am grateful to my friend for recommending this book to me.

Patricia Brooks's story is an inspirational tale. Her journey to find her Higher Self has made me want to do the same. I am not sure that my journey will be any easier than hers, but one can only hope that once the journey is over, my life will be richer (spiritually) than it is now.

I highly recommend this book as a MUST READ, no matter what religious beliefs you may or may not have. - Lynn Worton

View all my reviews


Saturday, December 27, 2014

Book Review of The Astronomer by Charmaine Pauls

Book Title: The Astronomer
Genre: Contemporary Erotic Romance
Pages: 416
Author: Charmaine Pauls
Date Published: 4 December 2014


Loving someone madly, obsessively, to the point of addiction can be heaven ... or hell. 

The year is 2165. A new blood group has evolved, and biological pairing, called mating, has replaced the old-world marriage ritual. When a stranger saves astronomer Dr. Fraya Riber from drowning, her body goes into a strange state of arousal. Bound to be paired with another, Fraya frantically searches for the answers to the phenomenon that soon becomes an unwelcome addiction. Nothing has prepared her for this painful dependence, and nothing will prepare her for the cure, or the identity of her enigmatic savior. 

Can she reject desire for loyalty? Must she choose between her career and her love? Can passion truly craft a bond that will last a lifetime?


The AstronomerThe Astronomer by Charmaine Pauls
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author in return for an honest review.

Dr. Fraya Riber is a fascinating character. I liked her a lot, but she has a tendency to overreact and whine at times. She is a dedicated astronomer and is very much a workaholic. After being saved by a stranger, she finds herself attracted to her rescuer. Unfortunately, there is a side affect from this experience she didn't foresee.

Emilio Larraín is also a fascinating character. I wasn’t sure if I liked him at first, as I found him to be a very domineering and arrogant man. However, he does have some good points; he has a romantic side that made me melt as I got to know him better. Saving a damsel in distress wasn’t planned, but Emilio finds himself strangely attracted to her. Could he have found his perfect mate?

This is an unusual erotic romance novel, with a unique storyline that captured my attention and held it from the first page. This story is set in the future, 2165 to be precise. The world has survived a biological war, which has created a mutation in the survivors. This mutation has lead to a change in the way people choose their life mate. Suffice it to say, that once someone has found their perfect mate, it’s for life.

The story is told through both Fraya’s and Emilio’s points of view, which gives the reader a better understanding of their thoughts and feelings. I did, however, find some of their attitude towards each other a little baffling; they were attracted to each other, but they also seemed to hate each other too, or maybe it was the situation they found themselves in. As the story unfolded however, I really wanted to shake Fraya (or maybe give her a swift kick) to get her to open her eyes instead of being so tunnel visioned about her career. Yes, it is nice to have prestige and be able to work in a field which is still relatively male dominated (even in the future?), but I found her incessant inner monologue about this to be a big irritant and made her seem very selfish; I am not sure who she was trying to convince, the reader or herself.

I really liked meeting Emilio’s grandmother. She is a force to be reckoned with! She has a determination and drive most people would be scared to cross. There are also some other very interesting characters that are introduced. However, I found Gene (Fraya’s boyfriend) to be a bit insipid and lacking in several ways. His character came across as rather weak and disloyal. I suppose this is why Fraya and Emilio’s connection seems so intense.

The sexual chemistry between Fraya and Emilio is extremely volatile. If they were a Molotov cocktail, they would have caught fire and exploded! As it is, they fairly scorch the pages with their antics in and out of the bedroom. Be warned, it’s steamy and rather on the explicit side.

The story has a few twists and turns that surprised me. There is one scene near the end that completely threw me. I won’t go into details, but it is an intense scene full of action and danger. Who knew that ancient Peruvian customs would still be practiced in the future? Certainly not me! The ending felt a bit anti-climatic after all the action, but it finished off the story nicely.

Charmaine Pauls has written an entertaining standalone erotic romance. Her characters are lifelike and come alive on the page. I love her fast paced writing style and the flow is wonderful. This is the first book I have read by this author, but I don’t think it will be my last. I look forward to reading more of her books in the future.

Due to the explicit nature of some of the scenes, as well as use of foul language, I do not recommend this book to readers under the age of 18. I do, however, recommend this book if you love science fiction, erotica or erotic romance genres. – Lynn Worton

View all my reviews


Monday, December 22, 2014

The real Oxford Comma, well for now....

So let me introduce you to something new for me. For the next few months, possibly years Duncan McGonall and I will write a weekly-ish 500-word blog post on practical, effective writing. Duncan will focus more on the technical aspects while I myself will focus on—well stuff from the reader’s prospective. We welcome any guest posts and comments on the blog. By the end of 2015 we plan to put these posts in a nice little book on Amazon. So we can make tons of money and possibly help an author or two. 

Our main objective is to keep these posts as practical as possible. 

So if you’d like to weigh-in, and we hope you’d like to, keep posts under 500 words if possible. 

We want this to be as interactive as a seminar on the topic. Topic—Discussion—Discovery, repeat—the online version of Socratic method. We all learn, and if not us now, then those behind us who are now where we once were wondering what they are doing wrong or so headstrong they can’t see it. What do you wish someone had told you or that you had listened when they did? 

So once every two weeks I’ll be posting a little something on my blog. The same post will also be cross-populated to Duncan’s blog. The next week, Duncan will post something, also on both blogs. Our hope is that you would like to contribute, raise differing viewpoints. We want to keep it practical under academic decorum. We’ll respond to those questions or points that are particularly well posed and made. So why are we actually doing this? Why would you? For the money, naturally. If we use your post in the book, we’ll cite you, if we have your name. Credit where it’s due. 

I want to retire to promote all of your books full time and word on the street is Duncan wants to retire to become an international man of mystery, and apparently that is quite an expensive hobby. The first post is titled; Don't bring a knife to a gun fight. I wrote it. Stop laughing. 

Click on the pic to go to our FB page and see a bit more about what we are all about.  

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Book Review of Broken Lights by Dianna Hardy

Book Title: Broken Lights
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Pages: 117
Author: Dianna Hardy
Date Published: 16 December 2014


What's really worth fighting for, when one second is all you have left?

Norman Smithson is at the end of the line. His wife left him, women don't look at him, he was made redundant, and at forty, he could be just that little bit slimmer. He would be a has-been if he'd ever been a 'was' in the first place. He's not the Alpha male of the 21st century – or of any century. He was the chubby oddball who used to sit silently at the back of the class so he wouldn't get picked on.

Rosa is a dreadlocked, tattooed and pierced twenty-something, who uses her image as armour to keep everyone away from every broken thing about her. But her past is about to catch up with her ... at the exact moment Norman finds himself in completely the wrong place, at the worst possible time.

One gunshot, one scramble for life, one unlikely couple, one very long night ... can one damaged woman and one ordinary man, find the extraordinary in the very last second they're given?

Broken Lights is a standalone story of what's really worth fighting for, when one second is all you have left.

NOTES: This is a novella at just under 40,000 words, packed with emotion and heat. Contains strong language. Written in British English.


Broken Lights

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a fantastic, dark and gritty contemporary romance, which happens to be a short novel or novella. I absolutely loved it.

Norman Smithson is a fantastic character, although he doesn't see himself in that way. He sees himself as a nobody. However, I didn't see him in that light at all. He has something special in his character which I found charming and appealing. He is steady and dependable, and is genuinely a nice man, who has had a really bad run of luck - he's been made redundant and finds out that his wife has been cheating on him. But, one moment of danger will change his life forever.

Rosa is also a wonderful character. I liked her spunk and determination. She is a waitress in a bar and has not had an easy life; she has been trapped in an abusive situation. When a stranger rescues her from her abuser, will she find her "happily ever after"?

I downloaded a copy of this book as soon as it was released and started to read it as soon as I could. I didn't put it down until I had finished it; I was hooked from the first page!

The story is told from both Norman's and Rosa's points of view, although Norman seems to be the main character. The characters are very lifelike and the situations they find themselves in are quite realistic. The descriptions of the events and situations brought the story to life and I could picture them with ease.

I could relate somewhat to Norman's character; his feelings of inadequacy and impotent rage at the hand that life had dealt him struck a chord in me. However, I have never really been in the same situations as he, so I cannot say whether or not I would have reacted in the same way. I really enjoyed the first scene, where Norman is made redundant. I know that the scene where he was made redundant is not really meant to be comical, or even enjoyable, but it was the juxtaposition of the seriousness of the situation and Norman's thoughts which I found really entertaining. Don't get me wrong, I could feel my heart wrench when his life gets turned upside down, but the way it was written lightened the darkness of the moment wonderfully.

The danger Rosa faces in the alleyway is something that a lot of women who are abused are aware of - they live it every day. Not everyone is lucky enough to have a "Norman" rescue them though, and many end up dead or worse, hooked on drugs and still living in Hell. What surprised me about Rosa's character is that, although she has been living in her own Hell, she still manages to keep her independent and stubborn streak; she is a fighter and a strong survivor. I found myself in awe of her strength of character as she tries to survive one day at a time.

The two main characters both have broken lives, but when they come together and begin to get to know each other, they make each other whole. This story is about loss, hope, love, and finding that one special someone who is worth fighting for. What I love about this story is that these two characters actually rescue each other. It has been a privilege to journey with them as they try to fix their shattered lives.

Dianna Hardy has written a fantastic story that touched me deeply.I loved her fast paced writing style and the flow of the story was wonderful. I love reading this author's books, whether in the contemporary or paranormal genres; she has a way of weaving a story together which makes it not only believable, but extremely entertaining. She is one of my favourite authors and I can't wait to read more of her books in the future.

Due to scenes of physical abuse and a sensual scene which is a little on the explicit side, I do not recommend this book to younger readers or those of a nervous disposition. I do, however, highly recommend this book as a MUST READ if you love dark, gritty contemporary or new adult romances. - Lynn Worton


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Book Review of Just Not Ready Yet by Brooklyn James

Book Title: Just Not Ready Yet
Genre: Contemporary Western Romance
Pages: 286
Author: Brooklyn James
Date Published: 1 November 2014


Charlize 'Charlie' McCloud, young widow and mother, is seemingly content with her secluded life on a sprawling Texas ranch. Her moonlit horseback rides provide the perfect dreamscape to obsessively reminisce about her college sweetheart—her first and final love—Cash McCloud.

When intern Hunter Bowie arrives on her ranch to work for the summer, his engaging persona threatens Charlie's treasured reliving. Her interest in moving on as departed as her late husband, Hunter's youthful exuberance and guitar revives dreams she once laid to rest.

Hunter's presence stirs up everyone around the ranch, including her late husband's older brother, Cage McCloud. A near replica of Cash, Cage's very existence is a painstaking reminder of how much she has lost.

Unintentionally revealing the truth about Cash's death, Cage sets off a firestorm of emotions, ultimately propelling Charlie to face her future—hopefully one that includes him.

Music single to the novel Just Not Ready Yet can be streamed at www.brooklyn-james.com or downloaded from Amazon, iTunes & CDBaby.


Just Not Ready YetJust Not Ready Yet by Brooklyn James
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a fantastic contemporary western romance. I loved it!

Charlize "Charlie" McCloud is a wonderful character. I liked her a lot. She is a young widow and mother, who is still mourning the death of her husband. Afraid to face the future without her college sweetheart, her world revolves around her children and the ranch. That is, until eighteen year old Hunter Bowie (pronounced like the knife), turns up and throws her life upside down. Hunter's entrance onto the scene makes Charlie realise that although her dreams of being a songwriter had been placed on the back burner, they were still there, waiting to be released.

Having read and loved another one of this author's books, I was looking forward to reading this book. I downloaded this book and started to read. I was completely hooked from the first page and didn't stop reading until I reached the end!

I have always had a soft spot for cowboy romances, but this book is so much more than just a romance. It is a story of hope and dreams, love and family. The story is told through three character's points of view: Hunter, Charlie and Cage, but Creek, a longtime ranch hand and Libby, Charlie's mother-in-law and Cash's and Cage's mother, have their say too.

The story has a few flashbacks to Charlie's and Cash's past, starting from their college days. I loved getting to know Cash in this way. I could see why Charlie would fall in love with him. He was charming and caring. The story took me on a roller coaster ride of emotions. I found myself shedding more than a few tears. A handful of tissues will be required whilst reading this book! There are some funny moments, as well as some sweet ones. I love the scene where Hunter has his musical debut at the record store and Ella and Dylan (Charlie's children) are collecting money for the cuss jar; it made me giggle. However, it's the sexual tension between Charlie and Cage that just about smolders on the page. Cage is a bit of an enigma, I would have liked to know him a bit better. He looks very much like his younger brother and Charlie finds herself attracted to him, but hating herself for it. However, Cage has been harbouring a dark secret of his own. When the secret is revealed, I found myself in complete shock; I certainly didn't see that one coming! However, love makes us promise to keep secrets, even from others we love. This can be very hard for those keeping their promise, so I fell a little in love with Cage myself. I loved watching their relationship grow and develop. I also loved the interaction between Cage and his niece and nephew. He would make a fantastic father, as he is loving and attentive towards them.

Brooklyn James has written a fantastic contemporary romance. I love her fast paced writing style, and the flow was wonderful. I am now looking forward to reading her other books as soon as I can.

Due to scenes of a sensual nature that are on the explicit side, I do not recommend this book to younger readers. However, I highly recommend this book if you love contemporary romances with sexy cowboys. - Lynn Worton

View all my reviews


Saturday, December 13, 2014

Audio/Book Review of In Too Deep (Others of Edenton Book 1) by Brandy L Rivers

Book Title: In Too Deep (Others of Edenton Book 1)
Genre: Erotic Paranormal Romance
Pages: 259
Audio Run Time: 10 Hrs 39 Mins
Author: Brandy L. Rivers
Date Published: 15 April 2013 (E-Book)
21 October 2014 (Audio Book)


18+ adult content

Brody is a talented motorcycle mechanic and werewolf stuck in his painful past. On yet another depressing night, he is viciously attacked by vampires.

Fallon is a brilliant tattoo artist with inherent magic. Tired of men and their games, she climbs onto her Harley and leaves her old life behind.

Running for his life, Brody crashes into Fallon and sparks fly. She ends up stranded in the Northwest with her ride out of commission.

With no ride and nowhere to go, Fallon allows her best friend to convince her to stay in Brody’s apartment. He’s determined to claim her heart and keep her safe from the shadows in her past. Fallon prides herself on her independence and would rather keep him safe, even from herself.

With the impending danger from the group of vampires and dark mages, they will have to work together. The closer they get, the harder it is for her to fight her attraction.

Be prepared for monsters, magic and lots of ink.


In Too Deep (Others of Edenton, #1)In Too Deep by Brandy L. Rivers
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the first book in the Others of Edenton paranormal romance series. I really enjoyed it!

I downloaded this as an audio book, as I wanted to read this book, but due to time constraints was unable to. This story is narrated by Kelley Hazen, who did a fantastic job in bringing the characters to life.

Fallon O'Shay is a wonderful character. I really liked her. She is a tattoo artist and a druid. She is a very stubborn, feisty and determined woman. After leaving her ex-boyfriend and accidentally running into a werewolf, she finds herself in Edenton, where danger awaits.

Brody Dean is also a wonderful character. I liked him a lot too. He is a mechanic and second in command to Slater, the Alpha of the werewolf pack in Edenton. Fleeing a vampire attack, Brody literally runs into Fallon's motor cycle and falls hard for the feisty druid.

Having previously read the prequel to the series, I was looking forward to continuing the series. I started listening to this book and I was quickly pulled in. This book is told through several points of view, but Fallon and Brody have the most say. The melodramatic and "teenage angst-y" dialogue of the prequel was not as prevalent in this tale, although some of the characters still managed to sound too young and juvenile despite being mature adults.

I still found myself hating Fallon's best friend Jess, whom I had met in the prequel. She has a tendency to whine and Kelley Hazen's interpretation of this character was spot on in my opinion. However, Jess had a bit of competition on the whining front. I didn't take a liking to Fallon's ex, Isaac, either; he is the biggest drama queen I have ever come across! I can't believe I am saying this, but I agree with Jess when I wonder what Fallon ever saw in the weretiger. He came across as a pathetic, self-pitying wimp.

But, it was the romantic tension between Fallon and Brody that kept me hooked and enthralled as I to listening to the story. Their instant attraction fairly sizzled and sparked as the story progressed. I love the interaction between them. They make a wonderful couple.

There are other characters that make this story interesting. I liked getting to know them all better. Hayden is the Sheriff of Edenton and a Fae. Then there is Dacia. She is a character whom I wasn't sure of at first, as she had set her sights on Brody and her jealousy of Fallon made her do some really dumb things. However, she redeemed herself in my eyes with her actions later on in the story.
Malachi is a dark villain, but his presence is not really felt until later in the story and I was left wondering what he and the Dales had against the werewolves. Unfortunately, that was one thing that was not really explained properly by the author in my opinion.

The story is a mix of romance, magic and danger, and takes the reader on an emotional roller coaster ride from start to finish. There are some fantastic fight scenes, as well as some steamy bedroom scenes, which were very descriptive; I could see the scenes quite clearly in my mind's eye. However, it was the training scene where Fallon and Dacia come to blows that I found quite memorable; it was intense, if short-lived!
There are several twists and turns in the plot that surprised me and I didn't see coming. Though this book does not finish on a cliffhanger, it left me looking forward to continuing the series to find out what happens next!

Brandy L. Rivers has written an intriguing start to a series. I love her fast paced writing style, and the flow is wonderful. I would definitely read more of her books in the future.

Due to explicit scenes of a sexual nature, I do not recommend this book to readers under the age of 18. However, I do recommend this book if you love hot erotic paranormal romances full of werewolves, vampires, fae, druids etc. - Lynn Worton

View all my reviews


About the Author:

I've always loved books, especially about monsters and magic, so I started writing. I'm working on a prequel and the next few books in the Others of Edenton series, and I have a head full of stories to share.

I'm a stay at home mother with a wonderful husband who lets me write and write to my hearts content.

For more about me and my books, please visit my Website or Facebook or follow me on Goodreads.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Jason Mott - And three free prequels to his debut novel The Returned, now a TV series.

So here is my review of all three, I listened to them audio as you will see..

As I said, I first saw the TV series then found these three books for free on audible and I was delighted.  These are short stories, each depicting the return of one person and the impact it has.

The narrator is very cool and calm in his story telling method which adds to the over all chilling effect of the stories.

That said, I found these stories to be very dark and for now, although I think this is a brilliant way to promote the full length novel, I will wait a bit before I buy the novel.

The TV series, although dark enough does not really convey the start reality of what it is like to have a loved one return from the dead, in that aspect these books should get a 5* rating for in these stories that reality is all too clear.  Unfortunately the narrator is so good at his job that these stories, although I did not listen to them one after the other left me drained.

If dark and gloomy is your thing, then you will adore this.  If not, why not give these a try in anyway they are free after all.


Here is a link to AMAZON where two of the three short prequels are free and you can link up to Audible from there so you can get your free audible copy if you would so choose.  

click on the pic to go to Amazon

About the author thanks to Amazon

Jason Mott lives in southeastern North Carolina. He has a BFA in Fiction and an MFA in Poetry, both from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. His poetry and fiction has appeared in various literary journals. He was nominated for a 2009 Pushcart Prize award and Entertainment Weekly listed him as one of their 10 "New Hollywood: Next Wave" people to watch.

He is the author of two poetry collections: We Call This Thing Between Us Love and "...hide behind me..." The Returned is his first novel.

The Returned has also been optioned by Brad Pitt's production company, Plan B, in association with Brillstein Entertainment and ABC. It will air in March, 2014 on the ABC network under the title "Resurrection.

Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Book Review: Fae - The Realm of Twilight (The Riven Wyrde Saga, #2) by Graham Austin-King


The Riven Wyrde Saga continues with Fae - The Realm of Twilight.

The Wyrde is dead and gone, its protection passed into the ether. The fae have been loosed upon the world as they begin their wild hunt, a nightmare from fables and legend made flesh.

At Hesk, in the heart of the Barren Isles Ylsriss must confront a reality she never could have imagined when her son is stolen from her by the fae. Her desperate attempts to reclaim him lead her far from this world and deep into the Realm of Twilight, where a still darker truth awaits her.

As the Bjornmen invaders drive their way deeper into Anlan, King Pieter refuses to act. Selena is forced to confront him directly even as Devin and Obair flee Widdengate and begin a search for answers, seeking help from a woman who may little be more than a memory. 


Fae - The Realm of Twilight (The Riven Wyrde Saga, #2)Fae - The Realm of Twilight by Graham Austin-King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the second book in The Riven Wyrde Saga. I LOVED IT!

I normally do a character breakdown in the reviews I write, but there are quite a few characters in this book to do one for all of them, so I will just jump straight into my review.

I love dark fantasy novels, and because I really loved the first book in the series, I couldn't wait to get my hands on this one!

The story continues from the end of the first book, and is told through several points of view. I loved this, because it gave the story an almost film-like quality. I loved meeting not only the previous characters, but new ones too, who give a different perspective on events.

The Fae are continuing to break through the Wyrde, which has been holding them back from the human world. When Ylsriss's and Klöss's child gets kidnapped, in an attempt to rescue him, Ylsriss finds herself trapped within the twilight world of the Fae. It was interesting to have such a contrast between the "normal" human realm and the Fae's darker, scarier one; it's moodiness and alien-ness sent shivers down my back!
The story also has a lot of political machinations and bureaucracy, not to mention a lot of posturing that Selena has to deal with. There are also several twists and turns in this story, which kept me sitting on the edge of my seat. I especially found the tension of Ylsriss's and Joran's escape attempt to be very exciting. I kept wanting to look over my own shoulder for the Satyr hunting them!
There are also epic battle scenes in the human world between the Bjornmen and the citizens of Anlan that, because of the vivid descriptions, I could see in my minds eye with ease. There are also several revelations that were hinted at in the first book, which get revealed. However, there are a lot more secrets to be discovered and revealed, so I am now looking forward to finding out what they are in the next book!

Graham Austin-King has written an exciting fantasy novel that kept me turning the pages! Although it can be more difficult to better the first book in some cases, I think that this book is more cohesive as a story and shows this author's growth in confidence with his characters and storyline. I love his fast paced writing style and the story flowed wonderfully from beginning to end. The characters came alive on the page, and I could imagine the scenes in my mind like a movie. With the right casting and director, I could definitely see this working on the big screen.

Warning: This is NOT a children's fairy tale! I do not recommend this book to young children or those of a nervous disposition, as there are scenes of violence and abuse that could be very disturbing to some readers. However, I highly recommend this book to older teens and adults alike if you love dark fantasy novels. - Lynn Worton

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Read the first book in the series NOW!!!


Sometimes the fairy tales are true...

For a hundred generations the Fae have been locked away from the world, in the cold, the Outside. They have faded out of sight and mind into myth and folklore.

A woman fleeing a life of domestic violence in search of a better future for herself and her young son unknowingly set in motion a series of events which will change the lives of mortal man forever.

Now as a new religion spreads across the world sweeping the old ways and beliefs away before it, and a warlike people look hungrily across the frozen ocean for new lands, the Wyrde of the Druids begins to fade. Can the world realise the truth lost in children's tales before it is too late? Will it withstand the Wild Hunt?

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About the Author:

Graham Austin-King began his writing with children's stories to entertain his children when walking them to and from school. When he started getting demands to repeat the same story over and over again he decided to write them down.

Liam and the Grump was soon followed by Captain Pegleg and the Greatest Treasure.

Fantasy is the genre which has always appealed to him, a result of reading too many books and playing too many roleplaying games and computer games. Having weaned himself on Tolkein he cut his teeth on David Eddings and Raymond E. Feist.

Finally the keyboard beckoned, there were worlds to create.

Graham lives in Kent in England with his wife and three younger children. 

Saturday, December 06, 2014

Audio/Book Review of Ahoy Gum Drop by Miss Mae

Book Title: Ahoy Gum Drop
Genre: Children's Fiction/Humour
Pages: 110
Audio Run Time: 2 Hrs 19 Mins
Author: Miss Mae
Date Published: 12 April 2013 (Paperback)
16 September 2014 (Audio Book)


What if -? What if you no longer could find your favorite chocolate in your candy store? What if the store informed you they may never get in a new shipment? Imagine the horror, the chaos, the wailing and gnashing of teeth, not to mention your impending foul-mood. And then imagine this scenario happening on a worldwide scale! What can be the problem? What can be the solution? It’s up to the brave (?) adventurer, Sir O. Yuri Wiseguy-eh and his mishaps from Gum Drop Island to boldly (double ?) go where no one has gone before. Yes, they must enter the realm of the forbidding and humuggity shrouded land called Moldy Corners. The next question, dear readers, is - can what happens in Moldy Corners affect you?


Ahoy Gum Drop!Ahoy Gum Drop! by M. M.
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I wanted to read this book as the synopsis intrigued me, but due to time constraints, I opted to download this as an audiobook. I am glad I did, because it was the most entertaining read I have come across so far this year!

The story is narrated by Owen McCuen. I absolutely LOVED his narration! His voice and cadence is wonderful and he made all the characters come alive!

I usually do character breakdowns in my reviews, but I have a little trouble doing this for the main character, who narrates this story in the style of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, as she actually didn't have a name. However, we are introduced to several characters including Sir O Yuri Wiseguy-eh and well known journalist, I.B. Nosy.

This story has a fantastical plot, which kept me hooked from beginning to end. There are several references and play on words that would go over a child's head, but adults would pick them up with ease. This is a sweet (literally, as it deals with candy and chocolate) adventure that is so nonsensical and humourous, I found myself highly entertained. The story starts at No Particular Place and ends on Gum Drop Island. Moldy Corners is a strange and magical place, where candy is grown and harvested to be sold around the world. I could almost imagine Willy Wonka visiting Gum Drop Island and Moldy Corners to place an order or two; it would be interesting indeed if he did! I am not sure what age range this book is aimed at, but I sat with a smile on my face all the way through the story. The only problem I found with this story is that it was too short! It is only 2 hours and 19 minutes long. However, this length would be ideal for children to listen to a chapter or two at bedtime.

Miss Mae has written a wonderfully imaginative story that will enchant adults and children alike. I love her writing style, which is fast paced enough to keep even the most fidgety youngster enthralled, and the flow was wonderful.

I highly recommend this book to children aged 5 upwards and to adults looking for a quick, light read. - Lynn Worton

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Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Cover reveal for The Healer by Christoph Fischer

Today I proudly present the cover for Christoph Fischers forthcoming new book – “The Healer”, a medical thriller due to be released Jan 2015.
Cover artist Daz Smith has outdone himself!

What is below this stunning cover?

When advertising executive Erica Whittaker is diagnosed with terminal cancer, western medicine fails her. The only hope left for her to survive is controversial healer Arpan. She locates the man whose touch could heal her but finds he has retired from the limelight and refuses to treat her.  Erica, consumed by stage four pancreatic cancer, is desperate and desperate people are no longer logical nor are they willing to take no for an answer. Arpan has retired for good reasons, casting more than the shadow of a doubt over his abilities. So begins a journey that will challenge them both as the past threatens to catch up with him as much as with her.  Can he really heal her? Can she trust him with her life? And will they both achieve what they set out to do before running out of time?

Short Biography: 
Christoph Fischer was born in Germany, near the Austrian border, as the son of a Sudeten-German father and a Bavarian mother. Not a full local in the eyes and ears of his peers he developed an ambiguous sense of belonging and home in Bavaria. He moved to Hamburg in pursuit of his studies and to lead a life of literary indulgence. After a few years he moved on to the UK where he now lives in a small hamlet, not far from Bath.  He and his partner have three Labradoodles to complete their family.
Christoph worked for the British Film Institute, in Libraries, Museums and for an airline. ‘The Luck of The Weissensteiners’ was published in November 2012; ‘Sebastian’ in May 2013 and The Black Eagle Inn in October 2013. “Time To Let Go” , his first contemporary work was published in May 2014, and “Conditions” in October 2014. He has written several other novels which are in the later stages of editing and finalisation.

Book Review of New Beginnings (Others of Edenton) by Brandy L. Rivers

Book Title: New Beginnings (Others of Edenton Book 0.5)
Genre: Erotic Paranormal Romance
Pages: 222
Author: Brandy L. Rivers
Date Published: 23 December 2013


18+ Adult Content

Jess knew her life would never move forward if she remained a part of Gregory’s pack. Some Alphas just don’t know how to take care of their wolves. She had managed Gregory’s bar for years but she knew he would never sell it to her.

After one giant mistake, he went from bad to worse. As a psychic, she knew it was a downward spiral.

Taking her future in her own hands, she contacts the Alpha in Edenton. He is happy to sell the empty bar no one has the time, nor desire to renovate, much less run.

Their attraction is unexpected and the last thing either want, but they find the only thing they need in each other.

There is just one problem. Slater’s second in command is plotting against him. Liam will use anything to take over as Alpha.

Plenty of werewolves, an old vampire flame, plus a paranoid second, and don’t forget the psychic with a whole lot of attitude.


New Beginnings (Others of Edenton, #0.5)New Beginnings by Brandy L. Rivers
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the prequel novel to the Others of Edenton series. I really enjoyed it!

Jess is a character I didn't like. She is a werewolf, who also happens to be a psychic. I found her a bit hypocritical at times. She is determined, feisty and a force to be reckoned with, especially since she can see flashes of the future. However, she also has a tendency to meddle in the lives of her friends quite a bit, but doesn't like it when others to do the same to her.

I really liked Slater, the Alpha of the wolf pack. He is a tough but fair leader, who has a sense of honour and is respected by his pack. When Jess comes to Edenton, he doesn't know what to make of the instant attraction he feels for her.

I have a huge passion for erotic paranormal romances, so I was looking forward to reading this one, as the blurb intrigued me. I started to read this book and finished it in one sitting, because I couldn't put it down! However, even though I really enjoyed the story, I found the dialogue to be a bit melodramatic and too "teenage angst-y" for grown adult characters. Jess treats most of the pack, apart from Brody, with disdain, as if they are not worth her time. What Slater sees in her is a mystery to me, as she treats him worse than the others at times. Granted, she doesn't want to be attracted to her Alpha (and I get that), but as she can see them together in the future, why she treats him the way she does confuses me. She also tends to whine when things aren't going the way she wants them to. But, as this is the prequel to the main series, the story introduces the reader to most of the main characters who will feature more in the main story arc; they are all fascinating characters. The story is told through several points of view, which made it a quite interesting experience. There is danger and romance aplenty in this book. The heat between Jess and Slater fairly burned the pages, even as they fight their mutual attraction. The characters came to life and, due to the vivid descriptions, I felt like I was there, watching the scenes unfold. Liam is a character who made my skin crawl. He is a very emotionally unsteady person, with a seriously dangerous streak. His obsession with being Alpha made me wonder if he was brainwashed, delusional, or both.

The ending left me looking forward to continuing the series, and I will be reading In Too Deep as soon as possible.

Brandy L. Rivers has written an intriguing start to a series. I loved her fast paced writing style, and the flow was wonderful. Unfortunately, the melodramatic dialogue was the only thing that let this story down, in my opinion. However, with that being said, I would definitely read more of her books in the future.

Due to explicit scenes of a sexual nature, I do not recommend this book to readers under the age of 18. However, I do recommend this book if you love hot erotic paranormal romances full of werewolves, vampires, fae, druids etc. - Lynn Worton

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