Friday, August 28, 2015

They say it is not what you know but who you know...I beg to differ. At times you know those who's but you dont know you know them, so let me introduce you to the who's who of the Indie World.

Nope, sorry I do not know this pretty boy.  Sam to some.  Jensen to others.  I wish I did.

But we all know him.  Why? Cause he is everywhere.  TV.  Movies.  FB all over all of the time.

So I asked my friends on WaAr [Wanda's amazing Amazon reviewers] - share your links with me.  Tell me what you do.  Do you get paid for it or not...
and I am amazed. 

I am sharing some of it with you today.

First up meet my friend Autumn.  Wife, mother and a very busy woman.

She has this to say about herself

Hello, my name is Autumn and I am 26 years old! Married to my lovely husband and soul-mate of 6 1/2 years. I am the mother to an amazing 6 year old boy who really enjoys playing video games and having me read to him. And to a perfect little 7 month old girl who can just melt my heart with her big ol' smile. I am bookworm through and through! If I am not playing video games , playing with my children or on facebook you will catch me reading! When I am not doing momma or housewife duties.

I have met new and wonderful authors along with wonderful book friends through facebook and blogging. Some of them have helped me out so much that I give a big thank you! I want to thank every one of the authors that has been kind enough to have me read and review their work! I have read some amazing books and I hope to build on the friendships I have made. You all have an amazing talent that I wish I actually had. You guys/gals can make a character come to like and make a story out of nothing. God has really blessed you all.

You can find my contact information under the Review Policy tab. Just click that and it will bring up what my policy is.Feel free to email me at if you are looking for request. But please make sure you read my Review Policy

Click on our lovely Autumns banner to visit her adult only blog. 

But that is not all.....
She does kiddie book reviews and product reviews on her blog so if you have a kiddie or a kiddie product....guess who you need to talk to asap
Connect with her on FB by clicking on the pic.
Her kiddie blog...
Click on the pic.  Follow it and recommend it
So to recap in one blog post I have introduced you to a product reviewer of Kiddie goodies and all types of grown up goodies.  A woman that reads like a maniac.  Loves like a mother and has a passion for life. 
I know Autumn.  She does not charge for her blog posts etc.  So now you know Autumn.  If you have books or goods age appropriate.... then you can now contact her.  If you do not need her today. Go and follow her blog etc so that you can find her when you do. 
Now, all, say hello Autumn. 

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